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[vsnet-alert 4597] Re: AB Nor superoutburst


In rather difficult conditions on April 9.35 - 9.50UT I obtained another 4
hours of CCD measures of AB Normae. There is a definite superhump at JD
2451643.924. The star was declining from a hump at .851 when observations
began and rising to, or at a peak, at .002 when cloud finally closed in.
These define a period around 0.078 to 0.079 (coincidentally similar to VW
and WX Hydri). The amplitude appeared smaller at ~0.3 magnitudes but the
humps still have a sharp rise with some structure on the decline.
Brightness outside the superhumps is similar to the previous night. 

> From: Taichi Kato <tkato@kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp>
> To: vsnet-alert@kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp
> Subject: [vsnet-alert 4590] Re: AB Nor superoutburst

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